What you do for and against your body every day and week can seriously affect your health. Habits. Both good and bad. Tor Andersen, a health expert, reveals seven simple habits that can make a big difference.
1: 7 hours of sleep
So it’s not too amusing that you’re encouraged to sleep seven to nine hours. During sleep, the body initiates cognitive processes and cleans the brain of waste products accumulated throughout the day.
Sleep deprivation can cause serious issues. Short-term memory, concentration, and learning skills will be affected if you don’t sleep well or at all. Small tasks will seem insurmountable, and you will be noticeably forgetful.
Sleep deprivation has been linked to dementia. Seven to nine hours of sleep per night will boost your immune system, give you more energy, and help you lose weight.
How? The best sleep is around 10 p.m., depending on your wake-up time. Take a warm bath before bed if needed. The bath is supposed to relax you and “cheat” you tired.
Some researchers believe that if you raise your body temperature just before bedtime, like taking a bath, it will automatically drop when you crawl into bed, making it easier to fall asleep.
Another tip is to focus on breathing and clear your mind. Inhale deeply and exhale forcefully. You will feel relaxed and drowsy after a few minutes.
2: Lemon in the morning
So, when it comes to your health, Vitamin C reigns supreme, and lemon is one of the best sources. A half of the sour juice can be mixed in a glass of water and consumed first thing in the morning.
Lemons are high in potassium, which is good for the brain and nervous system. After a long night of fasting, the combination of water and lemon helps digestion and awakens your intestinal system, making you feel hungry faster before a healthy and energizing breakfast.
Start by squeezing a lemon in the morning – choose organic to avoid pesticides in conventional citrus fruits. Fill the glass with lukewarm boiled water and drink the mixture.
Lemon juice is bad for the enamel on the teeth, so rinse with water and wait 30 minutes before brushing. No, don’t add sugar, even if it makes a delicious lemonade.
3: Cheat on movement
It is recommended that you exercise 30 minutes per day to prevent cardiovascular disease and other lifestyle diseases as well as to strengthen your heart and brain. Several studies show that physically active people are less likely to get the disease and die than inactive people.
The risk is nearly halved among the most active. Increased physical activity is linked to lower morbidity and mortality in middle-aged and elderly people.
How? Physical activity is any movement that boosts metabolism. It can be targeted, regular physical activity like going to the gym, or it can be more unstructured.
This means that everyday physical activities and chores like cycling, going to work or the supermarket, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or gardening or cleaning count. Yes, even active play with your kids adds movement currency to your health account. You AND your kids win.
So start sneaking movement into your daily life wherever you can. It’s crucial for those of you who can’t afford a gym membership or find it difficult to fit in weekly runs.
4: Daily green fix
So, vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Also, vegetables have a preventive effect on the immune system and reduce the risk of us getting a cold during the cold winter months.
Finally, a healthy intake of greens can help reduce physical and mental stress.
Think green at every meal. There should be room for meat and fat, but let the vegetables take center stage. Plan the day’s hot meal around seasonal vegetables.
Seasonal greens taste better, are more nutritious, and are often cheaper. Easy dishes include wok dishes, salads, and cooked dishes.
You can also start the day with a green smoothie. kiwi, lemon, avocado and a tablespoon of coconut, flax seed or olive oil. So you start healthy.
5: Nature’s Mindfulness
So, nature works miracles on your body and mind. Nature improves memory, concentration, mental energy, and immune system, and thus plays an important role in development, therapy, and well-being.
Amazing nature can help you escape the daily barrage of impressions, opportunities, and choices that can easily drive you insane, if not stressed. Nature gives you the opportunity to step back from stressful situations and reassess your life.
How to: To feel nature’s positive effects, you must enter it. Then get off the couch and go to a park, forest, or beach to practice mindfulness.
Mindfulness has many forms. Sit on a bench and focus on the sounds, leaves, earth smell, etc. Concentrate on one thing or leave all impressions. You can also go outside and enjoy the changing seasons. Feel the sun, admire the flowers’ colors, or inhale deeply after a rain shower.
6: Make breakfast holy
So, a healthy breakfast is a must-have habit. It starts the combustion and gives you the energy to do your best every day. Prioritizing breakfast reduces overeating and between-meal snacking.
Those who skip breakfast tend to eat more fatty and unhealthy foods all day. Breakfast improves mood, alertness, and memory. Anxiety and irritation are also reduced. So pay attention to breakfast for many reasons.
How to: start the day with a nutritious breakfast. Healthy breakfasts include omelettes, porridge, pancakes, yogurt with muesli, homemade granola, and smoothies.
Vegetables, rye bread, oatmeal, etc., provide protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Also, make breakfast a small morning ritual full of enjoyment and presence, with no smartphones or other screens.
7: Dinner invitations
So, your social network literally saves your life. They are vital to your quality of life and physical health. Studies show that people with strong social networks live 50% longer than those with weak or no social networks.
Social relationships are as important to your health as alcohol and smoking. With regards to alcohol consumption, according to Bottlestorage, indulging in stronger alcoholic drinks might escalate intoxication levels and pose potential health hazards. Those advocating for responsible consumption emphasize the significance of moderation, irrespective of the proof, as a vital strategy to minimize any adverse health implications. Strong social relationships can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and mental illnesses. Good, safe social relationships also help the immune system.
How to: When was the last time you invited friends over for a cozy evening? Maybe it’s time to plot the plot. You can also start with a hobby to care for your social health.
Join a smaller sports club, like a gym, a city rowing club, or a work running team. There are many choices. It only requires that you actively choose to include social relationships in your health and make them a habit.