1. Is my relationship healthy?

A good and healthy relationship typically gives you emotional peace and security. To have a healthy relationship, you must learn to communicate about big and small issues as well as difficult topics. Conversely, a strained relationship is often characterized by poor communication.

2. Which conditions are more correct?

Relations rarely go “wrong”. No one relationship model works for everyone. Instead, consider them as regular actions. It doesn’t matter if others think your dance is strange if it works for you. Inability to find a rhythm and constant stepping on each other’s toes will make the dance less enjoyable, even if others think you’re “right” together. Nobody but the two dance partners can decide if it works or not.

3. How close is too close?

Of course, you must avoid becoming too filtered. Even if you are a couple who does things, lives and is together, you must also protect your own life and person. It helps the relationship survive and remain interesting to both of you.

4. How vital is sex?

Nothing general about sex and relationships. A couple can have sex three times a day and still be unhappy, or once a year and have a blast. But the closer you get to each other, the harder it is to overcome obstacles. And a good sex life can help you achieve that intimacy. Having fun with your partner is always good for a relationship. But a good relationship has more.

5. How do I care for my partner?

Contribute instead of taking. Think about what you can do rather than what you want. What can you invest and bid on? Don’t just focus on what you get out of it. Then you’ll both win because your partner will feel more comfortable doing it the other way.

6. Why is it so hard to make it work?

We have something, many people think. We believe our partner is there to help us. It often goes wrong when we believe it instead of remembering that we are responsible for our own happiness. Relationship issues often stem from a couple’s inability to communicate what is bothering them. They lack understanding of each other’s lives and perspectives, and the ability to keep up with their partner’s world.

7. Should I receive as much as I give?

The best relationships are built on self-investment rather than self-desire. Giving gives more. So forget millimeter democracy and add a little extra. It will only get bigger.

8. Are fights bad?

No, quarrels show you care about each other and aren’t indifferent. Conflicts between two distinct personalities are unavoidable. If you never fight, it’s probably because one party adapts well to the other. And it’s not good for either party or the relationship. A fight helps sand and clean up. It gives you energy, respect, and it may even improve your sex. Of course, constant arguing is a different matter. A quick, explosive fight now and then is not a sign that your relationship is in trouble or about to end.

9. How does a love crunch affect me?

If the relationship fails, you feel insecure and fear losing. Your entire foundation is shaky, which is scary.

10. What should I do in a crisis?

Describe your feelings and thoughts. “I’m sorry…”, say to your partner. You should not be needy and demand that your partner fix your problems. Adding pressure serves no purpose. No way if the situation is tense. However, if you express your feelings clearly and without blame, your partner will likely respond by asking what he/she can do. Remember that he/she cannot fix all the problems. You have the majority of the task.